- Quick overview of the
executable function:
- Path name and EXE name
are supplied
- User Name who requires
access is provided
- Group Name they require
access to is provided
- An environment variable
can be specified, which will direct the request to the correct dispatch
server. The dispatch server
configuration is contained within an external “ini” file.
- When the exe is called,
it will logon as administrator, then attempt to add the user to the group. Based on the result, the exe will return 1 of 4 possible messages:
added “User Camid” to “Group Camid”
Camid” is already a member of “Group Camid”
User not
found – if user is not listed in directory
Group not
found – if Group is not available in Cognos
- Once the exe is completed, the user now has access to that
group in Cognos.